have you ever been told you're

3d book Peter

have you ever been told you're

3d book Peter

you have Permission to Live and Lead

Loud and Large

book cover

Yet, time and again, you find yourself in situations where leadership is required and everyone defaults to you. You’re often misunderstood, especially within faith environments where the contemplative is honored while the Type I (that’s you) is encouraged to “calm down.” But what if we dared to embrace our divine wiring rather than water it down? What if others learned how to encourage and empower the Type I people in their lives?

BEING PETER is designed to do just that as we reflect on the life of the original Type I, Peter. Learn how Peter cultivated his gifting so God could release his uniqueness to have a tremendous impact. Jesus didn’t require that Peter surrender his bold and aggressive nature. Instead, Jesus gave Peter permission to be who God created him to be.

In fact, it will be that very boldness that will be essential when Peter steps into the fullness of his calling as the leader of the church of Acts. Perhaps you’re looking for that same permission, to live in the fullness of your Type I wiring. Maybe you live or work with a Type I. BEING PETER aims to give you insight, understanding, and most of all permission to embrace the Type I’s in and among us, as they take their rightful and needed place in the Church and the world where God has perfectly positioned them.

about lee

Lee brings over 30 years of experience in ministry and leadership within the local church. This experience has created a wide understanding of churches and effective strategies alongside his practical work serving as Executive Pastor at The Crossing Church in Las Vegas for the past 16 years.

He also is deeply embedded in partnering and consulting with churches around the country as they lean into the specific vision that God has for their community as president of Growmentum Group. His experience in church leadership also includes a season of student ministry as well as eight years planting and pastoring in Las Vegas.

Lee has a Masters in Global Leadership from Fuller Seminary. He and his wife, Tanya have been married for over 30 years and have two adult children. When Lee isn’t preaching, coaching or consulting, he enjoys running his favorite trails, a round of golf, a great meal, or a night of Vegas Golden Knight hockey.

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If you’re navigating how to make sense of your ambition and drive as a follower of Jesus, then Being Peter can help! Through compelling storytelling and practical wisdom, Lee illustrates how embracing one's innate qualities can lead to impactful leadership.”

Brad Lomenick
Former President of Catalyst
Author, H3 Leadership and The Catalyst Leader

“The Apostle Peter was known for always putting his foot in his mouth, having a READY, FIRE, AIM approach to life, and having to be rebuked by Jesus. But in Lee’s new book, we not only learn the value of this style of living but how to embrace those who live like this… even if it’s us!”

Rusty George
Pastor and Author of Friend of God and After Amen

“Over the past 15+ years, I’ve had a front-row seat of watching Lee embrace his unique giftedness and personality for leadership. His creativity, communication, and leadership skills channeled through his God-given wiring have not only been a driving force at The Crossing but to hundreds of churches around the country. Being Peter is born out of his own learnings and is a must-read for any leader who is ready to lead at the next level.”

Shane Philip, Sr. Pastor
The Crossing, Las Vegas

"I, and many other leaders I know, have always resonated with the life and story of Peter. For Type-I leaders, Lee’s insights will no doubt help them learn more about themselves, but just as important, how people experience them and their leadership. Lee’s years of experience leading high performing teams, combined with his expertise as a leadership consultant, make him the perfect person to write this book.”  

Brian Kruckenberg, Lead Pastor
New City Church, Phoenix

As a Type I leader, I’ve always thought that I needed to conform more to the rest of society. Reading Being Peter has taught me that I should embrace these qualities because they have allowed me to build a successful business. I’m grateful that Lee has written this to help those leaders who feel misunderstood!

Ryan Pineda
CEO of Pineda Co

"In a world where bold, risk-taking leaders are often asked to “take it easy”, I found Lee’s latest book, Being Peter, absolutely refreshing. To put it plainly, this book is rocket fuel for those wired with Type 1 personalities. Lee’s gift of storytelling and drawing out next level truths for leaders (that can sometimes be misunderstood), is gold for those who are willing to listen. Do yourself and the team you lead a favor by picking up a copy!"

Nathan Rouse
Lead Pastor, Faith Church, Houston